Tero eZine - November 2018 | Tero International, Inc.

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Welcome to the Tero November eZine

If you work in sales, you've likely had this happen to you at least once: you meet with a potential new client, you think your presentation was great, and yet you still fail to make the sale.

At Tero, we've developed a model called Outcome-Driven Selling, with the goal of helping you close as many deals as possible. Every interaction you have with customer-calls, emails, meetings, website visits, purchases and more-has an outcome. So you should approach every interaction with the goal of meeting both your, and your customers', needs.

And that doesn't mean simply finding the best price, or even delivering the best product or service. People also want to build trust, to be respected, and to feel valued.

This month's eZine is all about our Outcome-Driven Selling approach. Our Development Challenge will help you put yourself in your customers' shoes by mapping every outcome you have with them. We've also compiled a variety of online resources, which will help you build mutually beneficial relationships with your customers by asking the right questions, giving great presentations, and meeting their biggest needs.

Our feature article comes from Tero's Vice President of Client Relations, Ann Block. In it, she discusses the lessons she's learned about relating to customers.

If you work in sales, or simply want to do a better job connecting with others, you won't want to miss this issue. And if you want to learn even more about Outcome Driven Selling, sign up for one of Tero's upcoming workshops exploring that very topic.

Click on the image to watch the Your Invisible Toolbox Live Stream

Identify Your Stressors | Your Invisible Toolbox

Ro and Deb take a deeper look how you can identify what stresses you.

Click on the image to Deb's Insight on Business interview.

The Business of Recognition

Insight on Business Podcast with Tero CEO Rowena Crosbie.

Click on the image to watch the Tero Tips Video.

Top Workplace Fears (Avoid Cognitive Dissonance)

This video is part of the Tero Tips series. Be sure to subscribe for a new video every Tuesday.

Click on the image for this month's Development Challenge.

Development Challenge - Map the Client Road

Click on the image for the Featured Article.

The Art of Successful Selling

by Ann Block, Vice President of Client Relations

Click on the image to read Tero's Book of the Month Blog.

Book of the Month Blog - Does Your Personality Reflect How You Work?

by Rachel Trainum, Marketing And Communications Specialist, Tero International

Click on the image to read the Forbes Article

The 4 Elements Of A Killer Sales Presentation

by Emily Stanford

Click on the image for inspiration.

Inspiration - Most In Life

Click on the image to read the Inc Article

Close The Deal By Asking These 7 Questions

by Young Entrepreneurs Council

Click on the image to watch the Your Invisible Toolbox Live Stream

Law Of The Pack | Your Invisible Toolbox

Are you the leader of the pack? You want to avoid creating a workplace full of entitlement.

Click on the image to read the Entrepreneur Article

What Really Drives Sales Growth and Repeat Business

by Shaun Buck

Click on the image to watch the Tero Tips Video.

Is Your Social Media Ruining Your Career?

This video is part of the Tero Tips series. Be sure to subscribe for a new video every Tuesday.

Click on the image to read the Inc Article

10 Things Every Customer Wants

by Geoffrey James

Click on the image for the Ask Tero Section of the Tero website.

Ask Tero - Thinking While Listening

How can I listen better before thinking of what I want to say?

Click on the image for the Ask Tero Section of the Tero website.

Looking To Boost Your Sales?

Explore Tero's Two-Day Outcome-Driven Selling Workshop.

Want More Content? Explore Previous Tero eZines »

Are You Or Your Organization Going Through Changes?

What makes you tick? What ticks you off? Why do you find interactions with some people to be easy and interactions with other people to be a struggle? Why and when do you procrastinate? Why do some things come naturally to you and other things baffle you? Why do you find some activities energizing and others draining? Why do you do the things you do? These are all questions that can be answered by Tero's popular Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness workshop

Find out more about the Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness Program ›

Upcoming Public Workshops

(view all upcoming public workshops)

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