Tero International, Inc. Your Elite Training Team

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Purposeful Meetings

Think about the last meeting you attended. Did you find the time valuable? Accomplish the goals of the meeting? Were there any goals to begin with?

We spend a great deal of time in meetings throughout our life. If the time is wasted, we may as well be in our bed hitting the snooze button several more times. Meetings should have a purpose or goal and everyone involved needs to be aware.

A lot of times, it may seem that we have meetings to schedule additional meetings; getting lost in an endless cycle. We can cut down on the number of meetings and how long we spend in them by keeping in mind three general points:

1. Understand the meeting's purpose and goals. Why are we together? Distribute an agenda to the group (if appropriate). Create an environment to support the purpose of the meeting.

2. Bring appropriate information or materials.

3. Be on time.

These are extremely simple points and are often times forgotten. By respecting these items as an individual and communicating to your group as a whole; meetings are sure to be more productive and save valuable time that can be used elsewhere.

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