Tero International, Inc. Your Elite Training Team

Outclass Your Competition

A five-hour business etiquette and dining tutorial workshop

The ability to Outclass Your Competition has never been more critical. Skillfully handling interpersonal interactions leads to retention of existing customers and to an improved perception of your organization by future customers. According to research conducted by Harvard University, Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Institute, 85 percent of job success is based on people skills.

Tero International, Inc. helps professionals master the critical but often overlooked skills needed to Outclass Your Competition. At Tero, we call Etiquette and Protocol a Business Intelligence, or B.Q., and we believe it is an intelligence you cannot afford to be without.

Business Etiquette

Have you ever thought about the difference between the person whose career seems to be taking off, and someone equally skilled that can't seem to get the same breaks?

More often than not, that star employee has a good grasp of something called Business Etiquette, a knowledge of the proper form, rules, manners, or customs required in specific situations, as well as how to carry out those requirements.

Outclass Your Competition will increase your business intelligence by informing and instructing you in the vital skills needed to thrive, not just survive, in any business environment.

Dining Skills

Astute professionals equate good manners at the table with competence in business. Whether a new hire, or a seasoned executive, dining skills play a major role in business today. The business breakfast, lunch and dinner have become the venue for important meetings, networking opportunities and interviews. Whether you are a host, or a guest at a business function, Outclass Your Competition will prepare you to dine and entertain with skill and confidence.

Have you ever thought about how business etiquette skills contribute to your bottom line? Consider these tales from the trenches:

A Vice-President of Sales took an important prospect out to lunch. The customer was seriously considering doing business with the VPs company until the soup course arrived. Maybe it can be blamed on the soup that activated his sinuses and "blew" the contract, but when the VP blew his nose into his napkin, the appalled customer withdrew any notion of doing business with him.

In another incident, an eager new hire hurried into his first board meeting and sat down quickly. Unfortunately, he chose the seat reserved for the Chairman of the Board, and was asked to move. Regrettably, he gave the perception that he was unobservant and unaware. Attributes that may or may not be true, but certainly leave a negative impression.

Ready for one more faux pas? This one is a reflection of global concerns. On being presented a business card by a visiting Japanese client, an American executive proceeded to make notes on the card, and then slide it into his back pocket. The executive failed to understand why he did not get the client's business. He did not understand that to the Japanese, a business card is a reflection of a person's identity, and is handled with the utmost respect.

The experiences of the vice-president, the new hire, and the unknowing executive affirm a recent quote from a Fortune 500 CEO: "Manners may not be considered an executive skill, but it is especially hard to imagine why anyone negotiating a rise to the top would consider it possible to skip learning the requirements. It makes one wonder, what else did they skip?"

Could acquiring this knowledge affect my company's bottom line?

For more than two decades, Tero International has enjoyed a reputation for translating the most recent, relevant research and knowledge on personal and interpersonal skills into fun, interactive, educational workshops. Skills and knowledge that are guaranteed to make a difference.

Outclass Your Competition is no exception. The curriculum for this program is drawn from the extensive research from The Protocol School of Washington® in D.C.

The Protocol School of Washington, and its President, Pamela Eyring, are dedicated to researching the topics of business etiquette, dining skills and international protocol, critical for success in today's competitive business environment. The same curriculum taught in Tero's Outclass Your Competition program is taught at the highest levels of business and government. There is no better resource for the latest information about these important subjects.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to work a room and effectively network

  • The art of introductions

  • The power of the handshake

  • Eye contact and body language

  • How to remember names

  • Conversation skills and small talk

  • Business card protocol

  • Telephone, cell phone and electronic etiquette

  • Pre-meeting strategies

  • Corporate image

  • Guest/host/hostess duties

  • Seating guidelines

  • American/Continental style

  • Silverware and stemware briefing

  • Place setting maps

  • Handling of flatware

  • Napkin etiquette

  • Wine tasting

  • World class dining

  • Toasting

  • Arranging the business meal

  • Tipping

Registration Information

Registration Fee: $295 per person
(10% discount with 6 or more registrations or for SHRM, ATD and CIRAS)

Registration fee includes:

  • Expert workshop facilitation for the day by a highly-skilled, certified Tero trainer

  • Workshop materials

  • Useful job aid

  • Award-winning Your Invisible Toolbox book

  • E-manual and electronic resources, complimentary subscription to Tero's monthly eZine (electronic magazine) and complimentary access to Tero's exclusive Graduates Only section of the Tero website

  • Participants will also receive a 4-course meal as part of the registration fees

Register Now

Workshop Dates and Location

  • October 16, 2024
    (Des Moines Embassy Club West, 520 Market Street, West Des Moines, IA 50266)

  • April 3, 2025
    (Des Moines Embassy Club West, 520 Market Street, West Des Moines, IA 50266)

  • October 30, 2025
    (Des Moines Embassy Club West, 520 Market Street, West Des Moines, IA 50266)

Workshop Times

8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Cancellation or Substitution

You may cancel your registration up to 14 days before the seminar. 75% of your registration fee will be refunded. If you need to cancel less than 14 days prior to the seminar, you may send a substitute from your organization or transfer your registration to another Tero seminar within one year.

Credit Card Payments

Tero accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover as an alternative to our standard invoicing procedures.

Claim Your Seat Now

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