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Welcome to the Tero October eZine

Did you know disengaged employees cost U.S. companies up to $550 billion a year? That's according to a Forbes article published earlier this year. Lack of engagement within companies by employees is causing retention rates to rise. However, research shows 96% of employees believe showing empathy is an important way to advance employee retention. Forbes says that even though empathy is a soft skill, it can pay off in improved business outcomes.

How are your retention rates? Maybe looking deep down at your companies layers maybe offer opportunity for improvement, keeping your employees in your company and saving your business money.

Click on the image to watch the Your Invisible Toolbox Live Stream

Why You Must Have Team Retreats | YIT

Find the benefits to taking the time for team retreats

Click on the image to Ro's Insight on Business interview

Employee Retention - Tips From Tero

Insight on Business Podcast with Tero President Rowena Crosbie.

Click on the image to play the quiz.

Test Your Knowledge - Retention Quiz

What will affect your organization's retention?

Click on the image for this month's Development Challenge

Development Challenge - Leadership Activities Asking Questions

Long-Term Success Of A Leader Is Largely Determined By Those Who Follow

So, how can you position yourself as a successful leader with that perspective. What if they don't do it right? What if they mess up? What if they don't get it done at all? What if the outcome is not up to your standards? Watch the video below for an amazing opportunity to aquire skills to make your life easier.

Find Immediate Tools To Better Motivate & Delegate On November 21 - LIMITED SEATING
Click on the image for the Featured Article

Featured Article: Effective Coaching for Millennial's Peak Performance

Becoming the best possible leader

Click on the image to watch the Tero Tips Video

How To Retain Employees

This video is part of the Tero Tips series. Be sure to subscribe for new videos.

Click on the image for the Ask Tero Section of the Tero website

Ask Tero - Possess Qualities of a Good Leader

How to gain the qualities it takes to be a good leader

Click on the image for inspiration

Inspiration - Retention

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